
Buffalo micro USB Flashdisk 8GB

Mungkin USB Flaskdisk yang anda miliki saat ini hampir sama kecilnya dengan produk dari Buffalo ini tetapi ada satu hal yang sepertinya tidak mungkin bisa disamai oleh flashdisk lainnya (setidaknya saat ini).
Buffalo Micro USB Flashdisk ini mempuyai ukuran yang sangat kecil sehingga pada saat dimasukkan ke dalam port USB di notebook/ komputer hanya terlihat bagian atasnya dengan panjang hanya 5 m.

ioSafe Solo: casing hardisk eksternal tahan api dan banjir

Bagi yang tinggal di daerah langganan banjir seperti kami, sepertinya perlu juga beli casing eksternal hardisk yang satu ini.
ioSafe Solo External hard drive bukanlah casing biasa yang mungkin sudah kita gunakan saat ini. Kalau dilihat dai sisi fungsi sih tidak beda jauh dengan yang ada seperti koneksi USB, ada kipas kecil di bagian belakang dan lainnya.

USB Stress Ball: meremas bos anda yang pelit itu!! :-)

"Little Little to me, Gaji no Up Up", mungkin itulah yang menjadikan anda seperti orang gila (stres) di tempat kerja sekarang.
Kita sering melihat produk seperti bola yang bisa diremas-remas (squeeze ball) untuk mengurangi stres tetapi USB Stress Ball mempunyai fitur yang lebih canggih dibandingkan Squeeze Ball biasa.

Microsoft New American Home: disain rumah yang cantik dan sarat dengan teknologi

Cuma bisa berharap semoga kami bisa mempunyai rumah seperti ini dalam waktu dekat.
Sebagai informasi, rumah contoh ini bukan saja didisain oleh arsitektur yang terkenal tetapi juga adanya keterlibatan Microsoft dalam disain rumah ini.
Kami suka disainnya tetapi teknologi yang ada di dalamnya membuat kami jatuh hati dan ingin memilikinya.

Technology to stop phone use in cars isn't perfect

Many parents would love to be able to give their teenagers a cellphone that couldn't be used while driving. Now some inventors say they have come up with ways to make that possible, but they appear to be relying on wishful thinking.
One product to hit the market, $10-a-month software by Dallas-based WQN Inc., can disable a cellphone while its owner is driving. It uses GPS technology, which can tell how fast a person is traveling. But it can't know whether the person is driving — and therefore it can needlessly lock a phone. WQN, which sells cellphone and Internet security software under the name WebSafety, says it signed up about 50 customers for its first month of service.
Aegis Mobility, a Canadian software company, plans to release a similar Global Positioning System-based product this fall, known as DriveAssistT. Aegis is in talks with big U.S. wireless phone carriers, which would have to support the software and charge families a fee of probably $10 to $20 a month, said David Teater, the company's vice president.

The DriveAssistT system will disable a phone at driving speeds and send a message to callers or texters saying the person they are trying to reach is too busy driving. But because that person could be a non-driving passenger, the approach is a blunt tool.
Other product concepts that don't involve GPS systems have their own flaws. As a result, Parry Aftab, who advises families on technology and safety, suggests worried parents find another way to stop their kids from calling or texting while driving. Parents are better off taking away a child's cellphone if it is used improperly, she said.
"More and more, we see any solution is, in large part, education and awareness, parents getting involved," said Aftab, executive director of WiredSafety.org. Driving and cellphone use can be a bad combination, "but so is putting on makeup and eating a three-course meal," Aftab said. "I wish technology providers would look hard at the problems before coming up with a knee-jerk solution."
Concerns are mounting that driving while gabbing or text-messaging on a cellphone, even if it is
not handheld, is unacceptably dangerous. The National Safety Council said this month that there should be a total ban on cellphone use while driving, citing the higher risk of accidents and deaths.
At least 18 states restrict cellphone use — talking or texting — for some or all drivers, according to the insurance industry-funded Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Yet even in those states, motorists and especially young drivers are hardly deterred.
One of the worst accidents occurred last year in New York, when five teens were killed when their 17-year-old driver, carrying on a text conversation, collided with a tractor-trailer rig.
B. Michael Adler, chief executive of WQN, said his 18-year-old son came to mind as he was developing the company's software to disable a cellphone while driving.
"He's texting messages with two hands and driving with his legs," Adler said. "You flip him the keys to the family car, you might as well be flipping him a six-pack of beer."
WQN's surveillance service promises more than just disabling the phone in cars. It can monitor a person's whereabouts, notifying parents by text messaging when their children step out of designated zones or return home. It also can turn off a cellphone at school, preventing cheating by text messaging during classroom tests, based on a reading of the school's location.
The question parents would have to ask themselves is whether they'd want to prohibit their children's activities this way. That kid you're trying to control might not be driving, but rather sitting on a train or a city bus or in the passenger seat of a buddy's car.
Michael Hensley has thought about this very dilemma. The 52-year-old manager for a defense contractor worries that his 23-year-old daughter is a "thumb Olympian" inclined to send text messages while driving.But he doesn't expect technology to provide an answer. Savvy kids "will always find a way to defeat" a technological product, Hensley said. "It's human nature to defeat the system." Instead, Hensley said, he's tried to educate his daughter about the dangers of mixing phones with driving.
The inventors of the GPS-based software systems acknowledge their systems aren't perfect for disabling cellphones and are hard at work on improvements. Meanwhile, a separate, hardware-based solution appears to have its own flaws.
A pair of inventors affiliated with the University of Utah have developed a prototype of a key fob device that communicates with a cellphone over Bluetooth wireless signals. The key fob wraps around an ignition key; when the key is flipped or slid open, the device disables the cellphone paired with it.
This turns out to be easy to beat. A kid could remove or run down the key fob's batteries, or duplicate the key — without the fob. So in response to questions from The Associated Press and critics on the Internet, the Utah inventors, Wally Curry and Xuesong Zhou, have dropped their original concept for something different.
Zhou considered transforming the key fob into a device that prevents nothing. Instead, it would let a driver hit a "quit" button and talk or text at will, but with a consequence: parents get notified by text messaging, and a monthly "driving score" could go to an insurer, which might jack up the teenager's premiums for bad driving. Even that, Zhou acknowledged, wouldn't solve the tampering problem. So in his latest brainstorming he produced an elaborate scheme: Parents should estimate how many hours a child drives each month and report that to a website. If the key fob system reported the teenager appears to be driving substantially less than the prescribed time, it might indicate he's defeating the system, and the website could send a report to the parent.
For now, though, the key fob is going back to the drawing board.


10 Resep Agar Digilai Perempuan

dengan membuka tread saya ini sama artinya kamu butuh bantuan agar para cewek bisa tergila-gila padamu..banyak laki-laki yg bermimpi dicintai cewek yang paling cantik yg dia kenal, tapi kenyataannya tidak bisa membuat cewek tersebut tergila-gila padanya.. Berikut ini, ada 10 trik membuat para cewek “tergila-gila” pada kamu, yang telah teruji keampuhannya.Trik ini telah diambil dari berbagai sumber pengalaman dan telah diterbitkan sebagai resep canggih dari saya untuk kamu sekalian:

1. Jujur dan gentle.Tunjukan bahwa kamu adalah pria jujur, sopan, sekaligus charming. Tak perlu banyak memberi alasan untuk satu kesalahan, berpakaian rapih dan bertutur kata enak didengar. Bila kamu bisa terlihat seperti itu, bisa dipastikan dia bakal ingin dekat dengan kamu terus.

2. Tak banyak menilaiSalah satu kebiasaan buruk pria adalah menilai fisik wanita. Padahal semua orang tahu, nobody’s perfect. Buat dia merasa comfort saat berada dekat kamu. Salah satunya, dengan menerima dirinya apa adanya, tak dibanding-bandingkan dengan cewek lain, apalagi dengan mantan pacar kamu.

3. Tak mengikatkamu boleh saja menyukainya, tak takut kehilangan dia. Tapi tak berarti kamu harus mengekang atau mengikatnya. Beri dia ruang gerak. Jangan terlampau sering “menampakkan” diri. Biarkan dia menebak-nebak kamu lagi dimana, sedang apa dan bersama siapa . Ketakhadiran kamu bisa menumbuhkan kerinduan dalam dirinya. minimal rasa penasaran darinya. perempuan paling mudah penasaran bukan?

4. WillingTunjukkan kamu tertarik dan antusias mendengar ceritanya. Tunjukkan pula kamu bersedia mendengar keluhan kesah dan curhatnya. Jangan lupa memberi tanggapan smart bernada humor atas cerita-ceritanya. Beri alternatif solusi atas masalah yang dihadapinya, tanpa terkesan menggurui.

5. Banyak senyumSenyum adalah salah satu senjata ampuh dalam menebar pesona. Kata ahli, senyum merupakan refleksi diri orang yang selalu berpikir positif. Nah, tak ada salahnya kamu sedikit bermuka manis padanya. Akan lebih baik bila kamu juga bisa membuatnya tersenyum. Dengan joke-joke segar, misalnya.

6. Jadi yang terbaikUntuk menjadi yang terbaik, tak berarti kamu harus melakukan hal-hal di luar jangkauan. Be the best you can be saja. Salah satu caranya, dengan siap menemaninya dikala sedih dan senang.

7. Tak maksaCobalah untuk menahan keinginan untuk nyatain cinta. kamu harus agak sabar. Boleh saja kamu menelepon ato sms dia, tapi jangan terlalu sering. Usahakan juga untuk tak terlalu sering menggombal. Usahakan untuk hanya membicarakan hal-hal yang perlu saja saat menelpon ato sms.

8. Jual mahal sedikitYang ini adalah bentuk lain dari poin 7. Meski si cewek tahu betul kamu menyukainya, tapi cobalah untuk tidak melayani apa maunya. Pura-pura cuek kalau kamu sedang berada di dekatnya. jadi kamu harus bisa mengatur emosi dan perasaan kamu meskipun kamu menyukainya.

9. Biarkan dia menebak-nebakCewek umumnya gemar akan sesuatu yang bersifat misterius, lho. Itulah kenapa banyak cewek yang menjadi pengarang cerita-cerita berbumbu petualangan dan misteri, seperti Agatha Christie atau Enid Blyton. Bikin dia seperti itu. Caranya?Jangan langsung membuka diri. Ceritakan sedikit-sedikit saja tentang diri kamu. Ini akan membuat dia lebih penasaran dan tak cepat bosan. Biarkan rasa ingin tahunya terus tumbuh. Dengan begitu, dia akan berusaha mengenal kamu lebih dan lebih lagi. oke!

10. Jangan terlalu akrabBanyak pria yang hanya bisa menjadi sahabat cewek yang disukainya. Salah satu alasannya karena sang cewek merasa hubungan mereka sudah terlalu dekat, hingga lebih enak untuk berteman saja. Nah, bila kamu benar-benar menyukai seorang cewek, sebaiknya jangan terlalu akrab dulu.

Semoga berhasil kawan....